
日期:2023-05-12 浏览:9886 来源:品牌联盟网

  5月10日,时值第七个中国品牌日,由品牌联盟(北京)咨询股份公司(以下简称品牌联盟)与中国新闻社旗下财经新媒体中新经纬共同出品,双语脱口秀栏目《品牌大咖说》(The Branding Boardroom)正式推出。《品牌大咖说》系列节目将每两周播出一次。

  TopBrand Union has released a new bilingual business talk show, The Branding Boardroom, airing its pilot episode on May 10, which is China’s National Branding Day. The show is biweekly and it will be distributed in China as part of “The Branding Boardroom”, a rubric on Economic View, the finance and economy bureau of China News.

  《品牌大咖说》栏目由品牌联盟董事长王永博士担纲制作人,品牌联盟全球合伙人王毅夫博士(Dr. Ivo Ganchev)作为栏目创办人和主持人。凭借作为财富500强企业顾问和国际学者的丰富经历,王毅夫将采访多位全球商业领袖——从世界顶尖企业首席执行官到资深专家学者——为观众全面呈现国际品牌大咖的独家经验、深刻见解和前沿思想。

  The producer of The Branding Boardroom is Dr. Wang Yong, Chairman of TopBrand Union, while its cost and creator is Dr. Ivo Ganchev who is a Global Partner at the company. Drawing on his experience as well as a Fortune 500 consultant and an international author, on the show Dr. Ivo Ganchev will interview global business leaders, ranging from outstanding CEOs to accomplished scholars and thought leaders.


  栏目的第一位访谈嘉宾是马丁·罗尔(Martin Roll)。他是多位国际顶尖企业董事会和著名家族企业的高级品牌顾问,也是品牌联盟发布的《2022世界品牌500强》的全球专家评审委员会副主席。作为一位经验丰富的全球商业战略专家,马丁·罗尔拥有超过25年的董事会和高管咨询经验,也是Welspun集团全球咨询委员会的成员,新加坡风险投资基金Cocoon Capital的高级顾问和Superson(芬兰、新加坡)高级顾问。

  The guest of the first episode is Martin Roll, who is an advisor of several global boards and of prominent family companies, and as Vice Chairman of the Global Expert Committee of the TopBrand Global 500. Martin Roll is an experienced global business strategist with more than 25 years of board and executive consulting experience. He is also a member of the global advisory committee of Welspun Group as well as a senior consultant of the early venture capital fund Cocoon Capital (Singapore) and of Superson (Finland and Singapore).


  On this week’s show, Martin Roll will talk about the early days of his career, the importance of building a strong brand as well as the rise of Asian brands, among other topics. He provides valuable insights to the business community and outlines best practices that Chinese companies can apply to internationalize their business.



  Through The Branding Boardroom,TopBrand Union helps to raise awareness about the importance of branding and to help companies in China and around the world to shape their business strategy and increase the value of their brand.



  Dr. Wang Yong hopes that “our show will shed light on important discussions among the business community and help to share lessons and best practices.” Dr. Ivo Ganchev adds that “by sharing their experiences, the guests will help the business community to identify new opportunities and incorporate them into their corporate strategy”.
